ದಿ ಹಿಂದೂ ಸಂಪಾದಕೀಯ "Teaching computers to forget" ದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಶಬ್ದಕೋಶ ಪದಗಳು ( 31 July 2024)

Jul 31, 2024 - 08:27
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ದಿ ಹಿಂದೂ ಸಂಪಾದಕೀಯ "Teaching computers to forget" ದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಶಬ್ದಕೋಶ ಪದಗಳು ( 31  July 2024)

ದಿ ಹಿಂದೂ ಸಂಪಾದಕೀಯ "Teaching computers to forget" ದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಶಬ್ದಕೋಶ ಪದಗಳು


1.       Grappling

o    Synonyms: Struggling, wrestling, contending

o    Antonyms: Releasing, avoiding, ignoring

o    Example Sentence: The team has been grappling with the challenges posed by the new AI regulations.

2.      Fiduciaries

o    Synonyms: Trustees, stewards, guardians

o    Antonyms: Owners, beneficiaries, non-trustees

o    Example Sentence: Data fiduciaries are tasked with the responsibility of safeguarding users' sensitive information.

3.      Antithesis

o    Synonyms: Opposite, contrary, converse

o    Antonyms: Similarity, sameness, analogy

o    Example Sentence: Machine Unlearning is the antithesis of traditional Machine Learning approaches.

4.      Manipulation

o    Synonyms: Alteration, distortion, control

o    Antonyms: Honesty, integrity, inaction

o    Example Sentence: There is a risk of data manipulation in systems without robust security measures.

5.      Adversarial

o    Synonyms: Hostile, antagonistic, contentious

o    Antonyms: Friendly, cooperative, amicable

o    Example Sentence: The adversarial nature of the debate made it difficult to reach a consensus.

6.     Obligation

o    Synonyms: Duty, responsibility, requirement

o    Antonyms: Freedom, choice, option

o    Example Sentence: Companies have an obligation to protect user data under the new laws.

7.      Blueprint

o    Synonyms: Plan, design, scheme

o    Antonyms: Chaos, disorganization, randomness

o    Example Sentence: The government proposed a blueprint for regulating AI technologies.

8.     Mandating

o    Synonyms: Ordering, directing, decreeing

o    Antonyms: Suggesting, recommending, proposing

o    Example Sentence: The new policy is mandating stricter compliance with data protection laws.

9.     Plausible

o    Synonyms: Believable, credible, reasonable

o    Antonyms: Implausible, incredible, unlikely

o    Example Sentence: The scientist presented a plausible explanation for the observed phenomena.

10.  Subdue

o    Synonyms: Overcome, conquer, suppress

o    Antonyms: Liberate, release, encourage

o    Example Sentence: The measures were put in place to subdue the spread of misinformation.

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